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Submission Guidelines

  • The MNLU-A Centre for International Corporate and Commercial Law Blog welcomes blog posts in the form of articles, brief notes, and case comments that discuss the relationship between corporate-legal laws relating to,  among other things, Arbitration, Banking, Insolvency, Capital markets, Securities, Companies Law, Competition Law, Contract Law, Taxation, and Intellectual Property Laws. We welcome submissions that address current issues in corporate and commercial law.

  • We accept submissions from authors both domestically and abroad as well as from students, academicians,  practising attorneys, and researchers. We encourage postings that critically analyse or explore critical issues with broader resonance across any domain and in any country rather than posts that only summarise cases or are descriptive in character.

Drafting Guidelines

  • It is mandatory for the authors to hyperlink the sources in the body of the text. In keeping with the informal style of the blog, we request that the authors, refrain from using footnotes. However, if a hyperlink cannot be inserted, kindly use endnotes that adhere to the 4th OSCOLA/ SILC citation format.

  • Co-authorship is permitted subject to a maximum of two authors.

  • The content must be written in Times New Roman in font size 12 for the main body and font size 10 for the endnotes, with a line spacing of 1.5.

  • Although we do not have a strict minimum word policy, we would prefer blog posts that are a minimum of 1300-1500 words. However, even if the word limit exceeds, the blog post can be accepted but will be at the discretion of the Editor. The word limit of endnotes is exclusive to the word limit prescribed. ​

  • Submissions are required to not contain any advertising or marketing material. Posts summarizing alert memos and similar current awareness pieces prepared by law firms and or, other service providers will not be considered for publication. However, referring to such memos is permitted subject to proper citations.

  • Submissions must not carry any defamatory, abusive or offensive commentary but are allowed to critically analyse a situation. 

Plagiarism Policy

  • We value the originality of pieces above anything. Although we expect blog posts to be original and not exceed 20% plagiarism, the Editorial Board may relax this standard up to an acceptable level, if required to maintain the quality of the post.

  • Contributors must make known to us any submissions of the draft post with other publishers, at any time during the review process. We reserve the right to cease collaboration with respective contributors if they fail to do so.

Review and submission Policy

  • The Review Policy includes double peer review, which we undertake to complete within 15 days of submission. Please note that suggestions from the Editors may need to be incorporated by the contributors within 7 days of notification, or such other duration may be specified. 

  • All submissions for The CICCL Blog are to be made by filling out the Google Form (Click here). Kindly do not send submissions via E-mail. 

  • The submission of the draft post must be in MS Word format (.doc/.docx). Contributors requested to share their personal details only on the google form. 

  • We shall send an email acknowledging receipt of the draft post within 48 hours of receiving your entry. If you do not receive one, do email us at

  • Withdrawal of submission after communication of acceptance is not permitted. We reserve the right to cease collaboration with respective contributors if they do so. 

Copyright Policy

  • In making submissions to the MNLUA CICCL Blog, the contributor(s):​

                   1. Guarantees that the writing is their own original work and has not been previously published;          ​

                  2. Acknowledge that the copyright of a blog post, once accepted, vests with the MNLUA CICCL Blog and the                           name of the author/(s) is there for credit.

  • Each post will be shared on MNLU-A CICCL’s social media pages with due credit to the contributor(s).

The Centre for International Corporate and Commercial Laws

©2022 by Centre for International Corporate and Commercial Law

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